Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Great News for International Teachers in Indonesia!

Great News for International Teachers in Indonesia!

In response to our posting titled “Teaching in Indonesia May Be OUT Next Year, we have received reassuring information showing the new legislation may not apply to what most of us classify as an International School. Bruce Ferres, Principal at Australian International School – Indonesia, has supplied ISR with information that points to some gray areas in the bill, to which we were not privy. Apparently, true international schools such as British International School (BIS), Jakarta International School (JIS) and the Australian International School (AIS), to name a few, may not be subject to the new regulations.
Following is important information about the new Indonesian legislation as supplied to ISR  by Bruce Ferres , Principal Australian International School  – Indonesia
..The Indonesian Government has, in recent years, attempted to regulate the proliferation of independent private schools, International schools and National Plus schools all of which offer alternative programs to regular local government schools.
..The first attempt to lay down a regulatory framework in respect of all non-standard government schools in recent times was Regulation 18, 2009. This was followed with Regulation 17, 2010 and together they set out categories of schools and for each category the manner in which they ought to be organized and other licensing criteria.
..National Plus schools are government schools that teach an international curriculum (e.g. IB, Cambridge) alongside the local standard Education Department curriculum. These schools can charge fees and although mostly attended by the children of wealthier Indonesians they also enroll the children of expatriates. Most of their teachers are local Indonesians but they employ a significant number of expatriate teachers and often have an expatriate Head of School or Principal. Nowhere in either regulation is there any suggestion that these schools be now called International Schools.
..A large number of small independent private schools have been established in the last decade and by using the word “international” in their title attempted to disguise the fact that they were poorly resourced, often employed unqualified teachers and charged gullible parents exorbitant fees. These are the schools that will, correctly in my view, be most adversely affected by the new regulations because they will not be able to meet the new accreditation and quality assurance requirements.
..This brings us to the genuine International Schools such as the British International School (BIS), Jakarta International School (JIS) and the Australian International School (AIS) to name just a few. These schools were established as foundations under the Ministry of Justice and have for many years now been providing a quality international education. The vast majority (80%) of their teachers and students are expatriates but they also educate a number of Indonesian nationals and employ a number of Indonesian teachers.
..One of the difficulties posed by Regulation 18, 2009 and Regulation 17, 2010 is that these genuine International schools do not readily fit into any of the categories of school described by the regulations. These schools have been working together with the authorities to address this dilemma and high level talks are currently in progress aimed at amending the wording or agreeing to interpretations that would minimize the impact. Even without an immediate resolution it is simply not true that all International Schools will be called Foreign Schools. In fact, in the unlikely event that current talks do not resolve the current dilemma, most genuine International Schools would more easily fit into a category known as a “Joint Education Unit” but this would not have any impact on the name of the school.
..The new regulations do not prevent Indonesian nationals from attending these schools as long as Civics, Religion and Bahasa Indonesia is taught as a part of the curriculum, they continue to sit the National Examinations and other requirements are met. Some schools will find creative ways of blending this into their program others might choose not to enroll Indonesian nationals.
..The genuine International Schools will continue to employ expatriate teachers to deliver programs and subjects accredited by the IBO, Cambridge, BSSS and other internationally recognized curricula. The claim that expatriate teachers will be confined to teaching English or ESL is nonsense.


     1. Laila had 4 pieces of ribbons, each of length 2 m 60 cm. What was the    total length of the 4 ribbons?

     2. Osman's school is 3 km 700 m away from his home. What is the total distance he travels to and from the school everyday?

 3.       Harun cuts a piece of string of length 7 m 20 cm into three equal pieces. What is the length of each piece?
3: Dayang Aminah has 8 candles. Each candle is 10 cm 4 mm long. What is the total length of all the 8 candles?
       4.   28 m of colour tapes is used to decorate 4 classrooms. What  is the length of tapes needed to decorate one classroom?
5.      A team of four pupils has to run a distance of 4 km 280 m. This distance is to be divided and run equally by each of the four pupils. Find the distance each pupil must run.
6.        Dayang Salmah used 1 m 25 cm of cloth to make a skirt. She made a total of 5 skirts. How much cloth did she use?

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Soal Pesawat Sederhana

                                                            PENGAYAAN MATERI
                                                            ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM


1.       Semua alat untuk memudahkan usaha disebut …
A.      Tuas                               B. bidang miring                C. pesawat sederhana                   D. katrol

2.       Tiap-tiap alat yang dapat mempermudah melakukan melakukan usaha dinamakan …
A.      Pesawat                       B. katrol                               C. tuas                             D. bidang miring

3.       Alat untuk memindahkan batu yang besar dengan mudah dan praktis adalah …
A.      Roda dorong              B. pengungkit                    C. gerobak                                D. kapak

4.       Berikut yang merupakan tuas kelas pertama adalah …
A.      Tang dan linggis.                                                       C. gunting dan lengan manusia
B.      Pembuka tutup botol dan gunting                               D. alat pancing dan tang

5.       Berikut ini yang merupakan prinsip bidang miring adalah …
A.      Tangga, sekop, dan gunting                             C. sekrup, baji, dan tangga.
B.      Gunting gerobak, dan terasering                      D. tang, linggis, dan sekrup

6.       Sebuah tuas mempunyai panjang 3,75 m dan mempunyai lengan beban 1,5 m. untuk mengangkat beban seberat 150 , maka diperlukan gaya sebesar …
A.      60 N .                             B. 120 N                            C. 300 N                            D. 180 N

7.       Jarak antara titik tumpu dengan beban disebut …
A.      Lengan beban           B. lengan kuasa                 C. beban                                       D. kuasa

8.       Lengan kuasa adalah …
A.      Jarak antara ujung-ujung papan pengungkit             C. jarak antara titik beban dan titik kuasa
B.      Jarak antara titik beban dengan titik tumpu              D. jarak antara titik kuasa dengan titik tumpu.

9.       Sebuah tuas mempunyai lengan kuasa 75 cm dan lengan beban 25 cm. Keuntungan mekanik tuas tersebut adalah …
A.      1                         B. 2                                         C. 3                                                  D. 0,3

10.   Sebuah pengungkit dengan panjang 3 m digunakan untuk mengangkat batu yang beratnya 2.000 N. Jika panjang lengan kuasa 2,5 m, gaya yang dibutuhkan adalah …
A.      100 N                             B. 200 N                                C. 300 N                           D. 400 N.

11.   Keuntungan mekanis untuk soal nomor 7 adalah …
A.      2                                      B. 3                                         C. 4                                   D. 5

12.   Keuntungan mekanik dari katrol tunggal bergerak adalah …
A.      4                                      B. 3                                         C. 2                                   D. 1

13.   Suatu katrol yang penggeraknya (katrolnya) ikut bergerak bersama beban adalah …
A.      Katrol tetap                      B. katrol bergerak            C. katrol ganda    D. katrol campuran

14.   Sebuah beban diangkat dengan katrol tetap. Jika gaya yang digunakan adalah 24 N, berat beban  adalah …
A.      48 kg                              B. 24 kg                                 C. 12 kg          D. 8 kg

15.   Keuntungan yang diperoleh dari sebuah katrol tetap adalah …
A.      Memperkecil gaya yang diperlukan                 C. memperoleh perubahan arah mekanik
B.      Adanya keuntungan mekanik                             D. mengurangi usaha yang dilakukan

16.   Dalam katrol tetap,  gaya yang diperlukan untuk mengangkat sebuah beban sama dengan …
A.      Berat beban               B. volume beban              C. massa beban                                D. tinggi beban

17.   Tangga untuk naik ke loteng adalah salah satu contoh pesawat sederhana …
A.      Tuas                               B. bidang miring                C. katrol                               D. roda berporos

18.   Besarnya keuntungan mekanik pada katrol bergerak adalah …
A.      1                                      B. 2                                         C. 10                                      D. tergantung berat

19.   Sebuah bidang miring memiliki panjang 7 m dan tinggi 1,4 m. untuk mendorong  beban seberat 600 N diperlukan gaya sebesar …
A.      200 N                             B. 140 N                                C. 120 N                                D. 60 N

20.   Untuk mengangkat benda-benda yang sangat berat, lebih efektif menggunakan …
A.      Katro tetap                                                                 C. katrol tunggal bergerak
B.      Katrol berganda                                                        D. tuas

21.   Sekrup merupakan contoh dari pesawat sederhana untuk memudahkan kerja yang prinsip kerjanya menggunakan …
A.      Tuas                               B. katrol tetap                   C. bidang miring                D. katrol bebas

22.   Sebuah bidang miring tingginya 1 m dan panjangnya 5 m. Jika berat benda yang akan dipindahkan 1.880 N, gaya yang diperlukan adalah …
A.      37,6  N                          B. 376 N                                C. 940 N                                D. 9.400 N

23.   Tuas yang memiliki keuntungan mekanismenya paling besar adalah yang lengan kuasa dan lengan bebannya masing-masing …
A.      60 cm dan 7,5 cm                                                      C. 27 cm dan 4,5 cm
B.      50 cm dan 5 cm .                                                       D. 10 cm dan 4 cm

24.   Bila berat beban 1.500 N, maka gaya yang diperlukan untuk mengangkat beban itu bila menggunakan katrol bergerak dengan hanya satu katrol adalah …
A.      750 N                             B. 1.500 N                      C. 3.000N             D. tergantung ketinggian

25.   Sebuah bidang miring tingginya 1 m dan panjangnya 5 m. Bila berat benda yang akan dipindahkan 1880 N, maka gaya yang diperlukan adalah …
A.      376 N.                           B. 940 N                                C. 9400 N                 D. 37,6 N