Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Exercise Science
Do it!

1.       Which of the following is not a living thing?
A.      Horse            B. robot                C. fern                  D. human being
2.       Which of the following statements is not true?
A.      All living things need air, food and water.
B.      Plants cannot move.
C.      Living things reproduce
D.      Plants use the energy in sunlight to make food.
3.       Which of the following objects will sink when placed in water?
A.      Cork               B. pencil               C. ping pong ball         D. rock
4.       Which of the following is not a sense organ?
A.      Hair                B. nose                 C. tongue                    D. ear
5.       Which of the following is not a form of energy?
A.      Water           B. heat                   C. light                          D. sound
6.       Which form of energy can we hear?
A.      Light energy                               C. sound energy
B.      Heat energy                                D. movement energy
7.       Sharif cooing some soup  on a stove. Which type of material would be the best to stir the soup?
A.      Steel spoon                               C. aluminium spoon
B.      Copper spoon                           D. wooden  spoon
8.       Which diagram below shows the life cycle of a chicken?
A.      Egg – adult chicken – chick                C. chick – adult chicken – egg
B.      Adult chicken – egg – chicken             D. egg – chick – adult chicken
9.       What is the name given to water in the solid state?
A.      Water           B. ice                     C. water  vapour            D. steam
10.   What is the name of process whereby water turns to ice?
A.      Condensation                            C. melting
B.      Freezing                                    D. evaporation


Do it!
1.       ‘Six point zero two’ in numeral is …
2.       What is the digit value of 4 1n 25.42?
3.       ½  + 2/5 = …
4.       6/8 – ½ = …
5.       Convert 152 cm to m.
6.       42 m 18 cm – 36 m 50 cm = …
7.       Round off 7.468 to 2 decimal places.
8.       There  are 20 762 seats in a stadium. Express this number to the nearest hundred.
9.       Joey jogged 2.4 km. she jogged 1.24 km further than her younger brother, Jhon. How far did they jog in all.
10.   Calculate 218 cm x 7. Give the answer in m and cm.

Jumat, 13 April 2012

Operation of Decimals.

1.   Multiply 16.74 by 6. The answer is ...
2.   The product of 16 and 4.7 is ...
3.   Divide 53 by 4 and express your answer as a decimal correct to 1 decimal place. ...
4.   David bought 3 books at 49.65 dolar each. Wendy boght 4 pens at 7.90 dolars. How much did both of 
      them spend altogether?
5.   Find the product of 24.87 and 9.
6.   Add 16.7 to 24 and divide the result by 5.
7.   Express 647 cm in metres.
8.   Mrs LIm sold 36 packets of milk. Each packet contained 0.75 litres of milk. How much milk did she sell?
9.   Eugene had 50 dolars. He bought 7 pens at 3.55 dolars each. How did he have left?
10. Janet bought 5 boxes of chocolates and a box of sweets for 80.15 dolars. The box of sweets cost 3.65   
      dolars. Find the cost of each box of chocolates.

Jumat, 06 April 2012

Science Remidial Test

Instruction: Choose the best answer from the options A, B, C or D.
1.     Which part of plant responds to water?
A.   shoots               B. leaves                          C. stems                D. roots
2.    What do rose plants and pineapple plants have in common to protect themselves from the enemies?
A.   thin leaves        B. unpleasant smell           C. thorns               D. poison
3.    Which characteristic does not protect plants from their enemies?
A.   leaves that produce latex.                       C. sharp thorn on stems
B.    fruits that are fragrant                          D. leaves with fine hairs
4.               All the stages in the life of a living thing make up its .....
A.   cycle                 B. life cycle                     C. motion               D. force
5.      A young plant that has started to grow is called a .....
A.     seedling            B. plant                           C. seed                  D. leaves
6.       Water moves from the surface of the Earth, into the air and back to Earth again in a cycle. This cycle is called the ....
A.      gas cycle             B. solid cycle             C. water cycle  D.  plants cycle
7.    When it is an adult plant, it will produce ....
A.   root                       B. stem                        C. water                      D. flower
8.    A sweet potato plant can reproduce from its....
A.   leaves               B. stem                  C. roots                 D flower
9.    When water loses heat, its temperature decreases. At zero degrees Celsius (0°C), water changes from a liquid to solid ice. This process is called …
A.   evaporation                                    C. freezing                             
B.   boiling                                            D. condensation
10. The water that is in the oceans, lakes, rivers and streams is water in the …
A.   liquid state       B. solid state         C. gas state           D. stone state      

Science Remidial Test

Instruction: Choose the best answer from the options A, B, C or D.
1.     Which part of plant responds to water?
A.   shoots               B. leaves                          C. stems                D. roots
2.    What do rose plants and pineapple plants have in common to protect themselves from the enemies?
A.   thin leaves        B. unpleasant smell           C. thorns               D. poison
3.    Which characteristic does not protect plants from their enemies?
A.   leaves that produce latex.                       C. sharp thorn on stems
B.    fruits that are fragrant                          D. leaves with fine hairs
4.               All the stages in the life of a living thing make up its life cycle.
A.   cycle                 B. life cycle                     C. motion               D. force
5.      A young plant that has started to grow is called a seedling.
A.     seedling            B. plant                           C. seed                  D. leaves
6.       Water moves from the surface of the Earth, into the air and back to Earth again in a cycle. This cycle is called the water cycle
A.      gas cycle             B. solid cycle             C. water cycle  D.  plants cycle
7.    When it is an adult plant, it will produce flowers
A.   root                       B. stem                        C. water                      D. flower
8.    A sweet potato plant can reproduce from its roots.
A.   leaves               B. stem                  C. roots                 D flower
9.    When water loses heat, its temperature decreases. At zero degrees Celsius (0°C), water changes from a liquid to solid ice. This process is called …
A.   evaporation                                    C. freezing                             
B.   boiling                                            D. condensation
10. The water that is in the oceans, lakes, rivers and streams is water in the …
A.   liquid state       B. solid state         C. gas state           D. stone state